Transforming Organisations through Behaviour Change

Specialised Training and development Solutions for Managers & Specialists

Growth Factor, specialising in Training and Development, was born from a single desire: to help employees excel in their roles. We aimed to establish a business dedicated to the success and significance of every individual and company we engage with.

Empowering Success Through

Productivity, Teamwork, Accountability, and Superior Execution

At Growth Factor Consultants, we pride ourselves on driving productivity, fostering teamwork, ensuring accountability, and mastering execution in all that we do. We understand that enhanced productivity is the catalyst for business growth, so we empower organisations with innovative traning and devlopment solutions to supercharge their operational efficiency. Specialising in Training and Development, we are committed to enhancing professional skills and organisational success.

Facilitated Learning

Through process design and skilled facilitation grounded in neuro-science, we guide delegates to discover new ways to be successful and bring significance to their roles. We create long-lasting learning experiences that deliver results long after we leave. These workshops can be delivered face-to-face, online or as hybrid workshops.  

Group Facilitation

Our facilitators are trained in pure facilitation and can facilitate:

  • Strategy
  • Conflict
  • Team Alignment
  • Performance Optimisation Workshops

Becoming a leadership team coach is committing to a leadership team for a set time to help them identify ways to perform better as a team.  After spending time with the team as an observer, the coach will identify areas of development and, through group and individual interventions, challenge the team to improve.

Some of our facilitators are trained coaches and offer one-on-one coaching services.

our Clients

Over the past 4 and a half years Growth Factor has serviced a variety of industries and customers to help accelerate their management and leadership development.

The Growth
Factor Story

Growth Factor was born from one desire – to do more for our clients.

Growth Factor Consultants exist to support people to become more successful and have more significant lives. We believe that what we do creates value for companies.  We also receive feedback on how what we teach impacts families, communities, and ripple out to everywhere where our delegates go.